Highest Guns per Person in the World

Highest Guns per Person in the World

The US has by far the highest number of guns per person of any country in the world, at 1.2 guns per person. This represents more than one gun per US resident. This number of guns dwarfs every other country in the world. The next highest country is Canada with 0.35 guns per person, less than 1/3 the number of guns per person in the US.

Many countries like Denmark, Spain, Ireland and Israel have less than 0.1 guns per person, less than 1/10th the number in the US. The United Kingdom, Japan. Netherlands and South Korea have less than 0.05 guns per person, less than 1/20th of the US.

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Source: Small Arms Survey 2018  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small_Arms_Survey