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Thousands of Youth Victims Every Year
Over 6,000 American youths were killed or injured by gun violence last year, representing a 63% increase over 2019. Over one thousand of these young victims were aged 11 younger. And teens aged 12-17 saw an incredibly high number of deaths and injuries as a result of gun violence, totaling over 5,000 killed or injured in 2022.
2020. 2021 and 2022 saw an unprecedented increase of gun violence against American youths. 6,171 American youths kill or injured by guns in 2022 is by far the highest number in recent years.
2020. 2021 and 2022 saw an unprecedented increase of gun violence against American youths. 6,171 American youths kill or injured by guns in 2022 is by far the highest number in recent years.
More Details
Source: Gun Violence Archive https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/